- K tématu rešeršních strategií obecně
- National Library of Medicine a PUBMED
- Výborný projekt NLK -- MEDLIKE
- Ke cvičení: LINKOS
- Ke cvičení: ClinicalTrial
Poznámka 1: k postupu "DEFOE", konceptuální vyhledávání a "TREK", z prezentace k jinému tématu na konf. INFORUM 2018
Poznámka 2: K výběru zdrojů historicky a nostalgicky, ale poučně :-)
Také konkrétní 2 úlohy:
? b 411
$0.17 0.115 DialUnits File1 $0.17 Estimated cost File1 $0.05 INTERNET $0.22 Estimated cost this search $0.44 Estimated total session cost 0.584 DialUnits File 411:DIALINDEX(R) DIALINDEX(R) (c) 2008 Dialog *** DIALINDEX search results display in an abbreviated *** *** format unless you enter the SET DETAIL ON command. ***
? sf allmedph
You have 154 files in your file list. (To see banners, use SHOW FILES command)
? ss psychopatology and crime
Your SELECT statement is: SS PSYCHOPATOLOGY AND CRIME Items File ----- ---- 21 11: PsycINFO(R)_1887-2008/Oct W4 1 88: Gale Group Business A.R.T.S._1976-2008/Nov 06 1 149: TGG Health&Wellness DB(SM)_1976-2008/Oct W1 Examined 50 files Examined 100 files Examined 150 files 3 files have one or more items; file list includes 154 files.
? ss psychopathology and crim?
Your SELECT statement is: SS PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND CRIM? Items File ----- ---- 112 1: ERIC_1965-2008/Aug 156 5: Biosis Previews(R)_1926-2008/Oct W4 7 6: NTIS_1964-2008/Nov W2 350 7: Social SciSearch(R)_1972-2008/Nov W2 1 10: AGRICOLA_70-2008/Oct 13032 11: PsycINFO(R)_1887-2008/Oct W4 69 15: ABI/Inform(R)_1971-2008/Nov 06 26 16: Gale Group PROMT(R)_1990-2008/Oct 29 1 18: Gale Group F&S Index(R)_1988-2008/Oct 28 127 20: Dialog Global Reporter_1997-2008/Nov 06 206 34: SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci_1990-2008/Nov W2 190 35: Dissertation Abs Online_1861-2008/Oct 190 45: EMCare_2008/Oct W4 3 50: CAB Abstracts_1972-2008/Nov W1 2 65: Inside Conferences_1993-2008/Nov 06 9 71: ELSEVIER BIOBASE_1994-2008/Oct W4 255 72: EMBASE_1993-2008/Nov 05 339 73: EMBASE_1974-2008/Nov 05 2 74: Int.Pharm.Abs_1970-2008/Sep B1 1307 88: Gale Group Business A.R.T.S._1976-2008/Nov 06 1 91: MANTIS(TM)_1880-2008/Aug 3 98: General Sci Abs_1984-2008/Sep 1 99: Wilson Appl. Sci & Tech Abs_1983-2008/Aug 1 115: Research Centers & Services_1994-2008/Mar 56 142: Social Sciences Abstracts_1983-2008/Sep 247 144: Pascal_1973-2008/Nov W1 84 148: Gale Group Trade & Industry DB_1976-2008/Nov 04 644 149: TGG Health&Wellness DB(SM)_1976-2008/Oct W1 306 154: MEDLINE(R)_1990-2008/Nov 04 466 155: MEDLINE(R)_1950-2008/Nov 03 94 156: ToxFile_1965-2008/Oct W4 Examined 50 files 1 159: Cancerlit_1975-2002/Oct 5 162: Global Health_1983-2008/Nov W1 4 163: Ageline(R)_1965-2008/Oct 37 180: Federal Register_19852008/Nov 06 1 229: Drug Info. Fulltext_2002 24 266: FEDRIP_2008/Aug 2 285: BioBusiness(R)_1985-1998/Aug W1 13 349: PCT FULLTEXT_1979-2008/UB=20081030|UT=20081023 1 399: CA SEARCH(R)_1967-2008/UD=14918 1 431: MediConf: Medical Con. & Events_1998-2004/Oct B2 18 434: SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci_1974-1989/Dec 540 440: Current Contents Search(R)_1990-2008/Nov 06 Examined 100 files 44 465: Incidence & Prevalence_2008/Q3 2 553: Wilson Bus. Abs._1982-2008/Sep 1 570: Gale Group MARS(R)_1984-2008/Oct 28 4 608: MCT Information Svc._1992-2008/Nov 07 4 621: Gale Group New Prod.Annou.(R)_1985-2008/Oct 14 1 624: McGraw-Hill Publications_1985-2008/Nov 06 4 635: Business Dateline(R)_1985-2008/Nov 06 15 636: Gale Group Newsletter DB(TM)_1987-2008/Oct 29 30 654: US PAT.FULL._1976-2008/OCT 30 21 660: Federal News Service_1991-2002/Jul 02 Examined 150 files 1 764: BCC Market Research_1989-2008/May 54 files have one or more items; file list includes 154 files.
? rank files
Your last SELECT statement was: SS PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND CRIM? Ref Items File --- ----- ---- N1 13032 11: PsycINFO(R)_1887-2008/Oct W4 N2 1307 88: Gale Group Business A.R.T.S._1976-2008/Nov 06 N3 644 149: TGG Health&Wellness DB(SM)_1976-2008/Oct W1 N4 540 440: Current Contents Search(R)_1990-2008/Nov 06 N5 466 155: MEDLINE(R)_1950-2008/Nov 03 N6 350 7: Social SciSearch(R)_1972-2008/Nov W2 N7 339 73: EMBASE_1974-2008/Nov 05 N8 306 154: MEDLINE(R)_1990-2008/Nov 04 N9 255 72: EMBASE_1993-2008/Nov 05 N10 247 144: Pascal_1973-2008/Nov W1 54 files have one or more items; file list includes 154 files. - Enter P or PAGE for more -
? b n1, n5
07nov08 03:21:04 $3.63 2.421 DialUnits File411 $3.63 Estimated cost File411 $1.06 INTERNET $4.69 Estimated cost this search $5.13 Estimated total session cost 3.005 DialUnits SYSTEM:OS - DIALOG OneSearch File 11:PsycINFO(R) 1887-2008/Oct W4 (c) 2008 Amer. Psychological Assn. *File 11: The file has been reloaded. Accession numbers have changed. File 155:MEDLINE(R) 1950-2008/Nov 03 (c) format only 2008 Dialog Set Items Description --- ----- -----------
? ss psychopathology and crim?
? s s3 and py=2007:2008
13498 S3 1498425 PY=2007 : PY=2008 S4 2659 S3 AND PY=2007:2008
b 41130mar09 04:23:37 Session D514.1 $0.00 0.245 DialUnits File415 $0.00 Estimated cost File415 $1.33 INTERNET $1.33 Estimated cost this search $1.33 Estimated total session cost 0.245 DialUnits File 411:DIALINDEX(R) DIALINDEX(R) (c) 2009 Dialog *** DIALINDEX search results display in an abbreviated *** *** format unless you enter the SET DETAIL ON command. ***? sf allmedphYou have 153 files in your file list. (To see banners, use SHOW FILES command)? ss tropic? (w) medic?Processing
ProcessingYour SELECT statement is: SS TROPIC? (W) MEDIC? Items File ----- ---- 10 1: ERIC_1965-2009/Feb 15 2: INSPEC_1898-2009/Mar W4 1841 5: Biosis Previews(R)_1926-2009/Mar W4 126 6: NTIS_1964-2009/Mar W5 164 7: Social SciSearch(R)_1972-2009/Mar W3 19 8: Ei Compendex(R)_1884-2009/Mar W3 74 9: Business & Industry(R)_Jul/1994-2009/Mar 26 493 10: AGRICOLA_70-2009/Mar 1147 11: PsycINFO(R)_1887-2009/Mar W3 968 15: ABI/Inform(R)_1971-2009/Mar 28 1109 16: Gale Group PROMT(R)_1990-2009/Mar 09 47 18: Gale Group F&S Index(R)_1988-2009/Mar 06 4188 20: Dialog Global Reporter_1997-2009/Mar 29 1835 34: SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci_1990-2009/Mar W3 24 35: Dissertation Abs Online_1861-2009/Feb 2 40: Enviroline(R)_1975-2008/May 62 42: Pharm. News Index_1974-2009/Mar W1 1330 45: EMCare_2009/Mar W2 2018 50: CAB Abstracts_1972-2009/Mar W4 5 51: Food Sci.&Tech.Abs_1969-2009/Mar W3 3 53: FOODLINE(R): Science_1972-2009/Mar 23 4077 65: Inside Conferences_1993-2009/Mar 27 5 70: SEDBASE_1996/Jan Q1 1339 71: ELSEVIER BIOBASE_1994-2009/Mar W4 3942 72: EMBASE_1993-2009/Mar 25 4296 73: EMBASE_1974-2009/Mar 25 43 74: Int.Pharm.Abs_1970-2009/Dec B2 1587 88: Gale Group Business A.R.T.S._1976-2009/Mar 18 14 91: MANTIS(TM)_1880-2008/Aug 211 98: General Sci Abs_1984-2009/Feb 10 99: Wilson Appl. Sci & Tech Abs_1983-2009/Feb 1 110: WasteInfo_1974-2002/Jul 83 112: UBM Industry News_1998-2004/Jan 27 17 115: Research Centers & Services_1994-2008/Mar 3 121: Brit.Education Index_1976-2008/Q2 2 131: Pharmacontacts_2006/Aug 36 142: Social Sciences Abstracts_1983-2009/Jan 2 143: Biol. & Agric. Index_1983-2009/Jan 23919 144: Pascal_1973-2009/Mar W4 1046 148: Gale Group Trade & Industry DB_1976-2009/Mar 13 3141 149: TGG Health&Wellness DB(SM)_1976-2009/Mar W1 1986 154: MEDLINE(R)_1990-2009/Mar 27 5214 155: MEDLINE(R)_1950-2009/Mar 26 332 156: ToxFile_1965-2009/Mar W4 Examined 50 files 48 159: Cancerlit_1975-2002/Oct 58 160: Gale Group PROMT(R)_1972-1989 2188 162: Global Health_1983-2009/Mar W4 3 163: Ageline(R)_1965-2009/Feb 438 165: EventLine(TM)_1990-2003/Mar 73 173: Adis Clinical Trials Insight_1990-2009/Mar W4 44 174: Pharm-line(R)_1978-2002/Dec W3 1 177: Adv.& Agency Red Books:Advertisers_2009/Feb 119 180: Federal Register_19852009/Mar 28 9 182: FDA News Mar._2002-2009/Mar 25 3 183: Regulatory Affairs Journals_2003-2009/Mar 26 306 185: Zoological Record Online(R)_1864-2009/Apr 79 203: AGRIS_1974-2009/Dec 3 229: Drug Info. Fulltext_2002 1 256: TecInfoSource_82-2009/Oct 58 266: FEDRIP_2009/Jan 27 285: BioBusiness(R)_1985-1998/Aug W1 142 286: Biotechnology Directory Current_Sep B1 4 305: Analytical Abstracts_1980-2009/Feb W4 2 315: ChemEng & Biotec Abs_1970-2009/Mar 22 317: Chemical Safety NewsBase_1981-2009/Apr 40 319: Chem Bus NewsBase_1984-2009/Mar 05 15 324: GERMAN PATENTS FULLTEXT_1967-200913 100 348: EUROPEAN PATENTS_1978-200911 203 349: PCT FULLTEXT_1979-2009/UB=20090305|UT=20090226 6 357: Derwent Biotech Res.__1982-2009/Feb W2 22 370: Science_1996-1999/Jul W3 46 391: Beilstein Database - Reactions_2008/Q2 12 393: Beilstein Database - Abstracts_2008/Q2 59 399: CA SEARCH(R)_1967-2009/UD=15014 491 431: MediConf: Medical Con. & Events_1998-2004/Oct B2 199 434: SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci_1974-1989/Dec 1849 440: Current Contents Search(R)_1990-2009/Mar 27 Examined 100 files 543 465: Incidence & Prevalence_2008/Q4 4 467: ExtraMED(tm)_2000/Dec 2 505: Asian Co. Profiles_2009/Feb 19 510: ESPICOM PHARM & MED CO. PROFILE_2008/AUG 27 511: ESPICOM Country Health Care Report_2006/Jul 16 515: Dun`s Elec. Bus. Dir.(TM)_2009/Jan 16 516: D & B - DUNS MARKET IDENTIFIERS_2009/Jan 14 518: D&B-Int.Duns Mkt Identifiers(R)_2008/Nov 11 531: ABD data By InfoUSA_Mar/2009 34 545: Investext(r)Archive_1982-2007/ MAR 31(c)2007 Thomson Fin.Network 7 547: Experian Business Credit Profiles_2008/Sep W1 20 553: Wilson Bus. Abs._1982-2009/Mar 2 561: ICC British Co.Dir_2009/Mar 22 19 570: Gale Group MARS(R)_1984-2009/Mar 06 45 583: Gale Group Globalbase(TM)_1986-2002/Dec 13 2 590: KOMPASS Western Europe_2008/OCT 12 605: U.S. Newswire_1999-2007/APR 27 76 608: MCT Information Svc._1992-2009/Mar 29 285 621: Gale Group New Prod.Annou.(R)_1985-2009/Feb 23 16 624: McGraw-Hill Publications_1985-2009/Mar 27 92 635: Business Dateline(R)_1985-2009/Mar 28 1554 636: Gale Group Newsletter DB(TM)_1987-2009/Mar 09 9 652: US Patents Fulltext_1971-1975 315 654: US PAT.FULL._1976-2009/MAR 24 83 660: Federal News Service_1991-2002/Jul 02 1 665: U.S. Newswire_1995-1999/Apr 29 331 761: Datamonitor Market Res._1992-2009/Mar 19 Examined 150 files 13 764: BCC Market Research_1989-2008/May 16 768: EIU Market Research_2009/Mar 28 106 files have one or more items; file list includes 153 files. ? rank filesYour last SELECT statement was: SS TROPIC? (W) MEDIC? Ref Items File --- ----- ---- N1 23919 144: Pascal_1973-2009/Mar W4 N2 5214 155: MEDLINE(R)_1950-2009/Mar 26 N3 4296 73: EMBASE_1974-2009/Mar 25 N4 4188 20: Dialog Global Reporter_1997-2009/Mar 29 N5 4077 65: Inside Conferences_1993-2009/Mar 27 N6 3942 72: EMBASE_1993-2009/Mar 25 N7 3141 149: TGG Health&Wellness DB(SM)_1976-2009/Mar W1 N8 2188 162: Global Health_1983-2009/Mar W4 N9 2018 50: CAB Abstracts_1972-2009/Mar W4 N10 1986 154: MEDLINE(R)_1990-2009/Mar 27 106 files have one or more items; file list includes 153 files. - Enter P or PAGE for more -? pYour last SELECT statement was: SS TROPIC? (W) MEDIC? Ref Items File --- ----- ---- N11 1849 440: Current Contents Search(R)_1990-2009/Mar 27 N12 1841 5: Biosis Previews(R)_1926-2009/Mar W4 N13 1835 34: SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci_1990-2009/Mar W3 N14 1587 88: Gale Group Business A.R.T.S._1976-2009/Mar 18 N15 1554 636: Gale Group Newsletter DB(TM)_1987-2009/Mar 09 N16 1339 71: ELSEVIER BIOBASE_1994-2009/Mar W4 N17 1330 45: EMCare_2009/Mar W2 N18 1147 11: PsycINFO(R)_1887-2009/Mar W3 N19 1109 16: Gale Group PROMT(R)_1990-2009/Mar 09 N20 1046 148: Gale Group Trade & Industry DB_1976-2009/Mar 13 106 files have one or more items; file list includes 153 files. - Enter P or PAGE for more -? b n1:3, n11:n13>>>Ranked file range must be entered as "Nrr - Nrr" (e.g., N1-N10). >>>"3" is not a valid category or service name 30mar09 04:35:08 User772814 Session D514.2 $10.66 7.105 DialUnits File411 $10.66 Estimated cost File411 $3.20 INTERNET $13.86 Estimated cost this search $15.19 Estimated total session cost 7.350 DialUnits SYSTEM:OS - DIALOG OneSearch File 440:Current Contents Search(R) 1990-2009/Mar 27 (c) 2009 The Thomson Corp File 5:Biosis Previews(R) 1926-2009/Mar W4 (c) 2009 The Thomson Corporation File 34:SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci 1990-2009/Mar W3 (c) 2009 The Thomson Corp Set Items Description --- ----- -----------? b n1:n3, n11:n13>>>Rank number "N1" does not exist >>>"N1" is not a valid category or service name >>>":" is invalid in a filelist.? b 155, 144, 73, 440, 3430mar09 04:37:44 User772814 Session D514.3 $0.12 0.083 DialUnits File440 $0.12 Estimated cost File440 $0.12 0.083 DialUnits File5 $0.12 Estimated cost File5 $0.12 0.083 DialUnits File34 $0.12 Estimated cost File34 OneSearch, 3 files, 0.249 DialUnits FileOS $0.80 INTERNET $1.16 Estimated cost this search $16.35 Estimated total session cost 7.598 DialUnits SYSTEM:OS - DIALOG OneSearch File 155:MEDLINE(R) 1950-2009/Mar 26 (c) format only 2009 Dialog File 144:Pascal 1973-2009/Mar W4 (c) 2009 INIST/CNRS File 73:EMBASE 1974-2009/Mar 25 (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. File 440:Current Contents Search(R) 1990-2009/Mar 27 (c) 2009 The Thomson Corp File 34:SciSearch(R) Cited Ref Sci 1990-2009/Mar W3 (c) 2009 The Thomson Corp Set Items Description --- ----- -----------? s tropic? (w) medic?Processing374982 TROPIC? 7188126 MEDIC? S1 37113 TROPIC? (W) MEDIC?? dsSet Items Description S1 37113 TROPIC? (W) MEDIC?? ss tropic? (w) medic?Processing
ProcessingProcessing S2 374982 TROPIC? S3 7188126 MEDIC? S4 37113 TROPIC? (W) MEDIC?? dsSet Items Description S1 37113 TROPIC? (W) MEDIC? S2 374982 TROPIC? S3 7188126 MEDIC? S4 37113 TROPIC? (W) MEDIC?? dsSet Items Description S1 37113 TROPIC? (W) MEDIC? S2 374982 TROPIC? S3 7188126 MEDIC? S4 37113 TROPIC? (W) MEDIC?? s s4 and py=2008:200937113 S4 5162456 PY=2008 : PY=2009 S5 5063 S4 AND PY=2008:2009? rank jnProcessing
ProcessingStarted processing RANK Processing 500 of 5063 records Processing 1000 of 5063 records Processing 1500 of 5063 records Processing 2000 of 5063 records Processing 2500 of 5063 records Processing 3000 of 5063 records Processing 3500 of 5063 records Processing 4000 of 5063 records Processing 4500 of 5063 records Processing 5000 of 5063 records Completed Ranking 5063 records DIALOG RANK Results -------------------- RANK: S5/1-5063 Field: JN= File(s): 155,144,73,440,34 (Rank fields found in 5063 records -- 322 unique terms) Page 1 of 41 RANK No. Items Term -------- ----- ---- 1 1025 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL 2 720 AM. J. TROP. MED. HYG. 3 516 TRANS. R. SOC. TROP. MED. HYG. 4 394 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGI 5 390 SAUDI MED. J. 6 390 SAUDI MEDICAL JOURNAL 7 348 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND 8 214 TM & IH. TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEA P = next page Pn = Jump to page n P- = previous page M = More Options Exit = Leave RANK To view records from RANK, enter VIEW followed by RANK number, format, and item(s) to display, e.g., VIEW 2/9/ALL. Enter desired option(s) or enter RANK number(s) to save terms.?. pDIALOG RANK Results -------------------- RANK: S5/1-5063 Field: JN= File(s): 155,144,73,440,34 (Rank fields found in 5063 records -- 322 unique terms) Page 2 of 41 RANK No. Items Term -------- ----- ---- 9 214 TM IH, TROP. MED. INT. HEALTH 10 200 ACTA TROP. 11 200 ACTA TROPICA 12 196 ANN. TROP. MED. PARASITOL. 13 196 ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY 14 172 SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE A 15 171 SOUTHEAST ASIAN J. TROP. MED. PUBLIC HEALTH 16 163 SINGAP. MED. J. P = next page Pn = Jump to page n P- = previous page M = More Options Exit = Leave RANK To view records from RANK, enter VIEW followed by RANK number, format, and item(s) to display, e.g., VIEW 2/9/ALL. Enter desired option(s) or enter RANK number(s) to save terms.?. exitRANK results will be erased; have you saved all the terms of interest? (YES/NO)? yExiting... (no terms were saved)? b 130mar09 04:54:20 Session D514.4 $1.40 0.931 DialUnits File155 $0.00 94 Rank Elements $0.00 1 Rank Report Total $1.40 Estimated cost File155 $1.69 1.124 DialUnits File144 $0.00 3510 Rank Elements $0.00 1 Rank Report Total $1.69 Estimated cost File144 $2.82 1.883 DialUnits File73 $0.00 836 Rank Elements $0.00 1 Rank Report Total $2.82 Estimated cost File73 $1.27 0.847 DialUnits File440 $0.00 321 Rank Elements $0.00 1 Rank Report Total $1.27 Estimated cost File440 $1.05 0.700 DialUnits File34 $0.00 302 Rank Elements $0.00 1 Rank Report Total $1.05 Estimated cost File34 OneSearch, 5 files, 5.484 DialUnits FileOS $4.53 INTERNET $12.76 Estimated cost this search $29.11 Estimated total session cost 13.083 DialUnits
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