Monday, December 12, 2011

Czech information institutions, libraries and services: structure, collections, personnel policy, future outlook

A support for a lecture at the Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies, University of Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani

Basic facts

Czech Republic and Slovenia

:-) -- loved Slovenia

Starting points:

Národní knihovna (National Library) -- ... in a structure of Ministry of Culture

Národní technická knihovna (National Technical Library) -- ... under Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports

Národní lékařská knihovna (National Library of Medicine) --


A. Czech librarianship
B. Czech libraries

C. Text about libraries in Czech Republic


ÚISK FF UK, Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví, Filozofická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Institute of Information studies and Librarianship, 3 LIS schools (in an area of higher education) in Czech Republic

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