Monday, November 30, 2009

Podpůrný materiál k přednášce - tematika Evidence-Based Medicine dle Wikipedia

Evidence-based medicine -- dle informačního zdroje Wikipedia

Podpůrný materiál k přednášce na 1. LF UK, podzim 2009

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) aims to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to medical decision making.[1] It seeks to assess the quality of evidence of the risks and benefits of treatments (including lack of treatment).[2]

EBM recognizes that many aspects of medical care depend on individual factors such as quality-value-of-life judgments, which are only partially subject to scientific methods. EBM, however, seeks to clarify those parts of medical practice that are in principle subject to scientific methods and to apply these methods to ensure the best prediction of outcomes in medical treatment, even as debate continues about which outcomes are desirable[citation needed]


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