Monday, October 15, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Dodatek na úplný závěr k přednášce Systémy vědeckotechnických informací a knihovny
Ne úplně jsem nadšen následující (video)vizí, neboť naše kognitivní schopnosti i vývoj společnosti obecně něco i nevezmou, neskousnou, ale mnohé bude jistě zajímavé, protože vývoj se nezastaví a žijeme opravdu v informační společnosti. Toto video mne donutilo se zamyslet nejen pozitivně, ale trochu ostražitě. Přeci jen rád držím pero či tužku a bílý papír, čtu kodexové formy tištěných knih a ... vůbec. :-)
V každém případě moderní knihovny, např. typu STM (scientific, technical, medical) budou pracovat s jiným uživatelem a s jinými modely informačního chování a tomu budou přizpůsobovat informační služby. Jaké informační služby?
Takže :-) :
Po shlédnutí si znovu přečtu Alvina Tofflera ... :-)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Sociální sítě a několik odkazů
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Česká informační společnost na ITU Telecom World 2011
Czech Information Society
Member of the Czech Union of Scientific and Technical Societies
Our mission
The targeted connection of individual and group-based specialist subjects with subjects concerning society as a whole through the entire spectrum of those areas of society that are related to spontaneous or directed processes for the penetration of information technology into society and to the development of an information-based society. This chiefly involves the professional gathering, indexation, storage, searching of and dissemination of information in all areas of science, technology and economics. The scope of the specialist activities of the Czech Information Society, c.a. encompasses all areas currently perceived as being information-based (documentation, scientific and technological information, knowledge engineering, information and knowledge management, library science, bibliography, infometrics, competitive intelligence, telematics, information and information technology in healthcare etc.). Information science forms the theoretical basis for the activities of our society.
The internal development of information-based subject areas via specialist and educational activities. To work with bodies and organisations active in the directing of informationising processes at all levels. Close cooperation with users of information, educational and promotional activities for the improvement of the use and security of information transfer.
Information Mondays in Jinonice, Open cycle of talks by prominent experts from the Czech Republic and abroad in the theory and practice of information science, Realised in cooperation with the Institute for Information Studies and Library Science of the Arts Faculty of Charles University in Prague.
ICI Conference - Information, Competitiveness, Innovation (organised since 2008)
To present a variety of means of information support opening new horizons in knowledge and innovation; To support improved access to information for newly-created enterprises; To stimulate new findings in information services; To contribute to the understanding of the new role of information professionals in a variety of areas of information practise; To improve communication between specialist fields in fields of information and computer science; To support the presentation of research project theses.